Butterbrain is a newly created esoteric language, written in C and based on bf. Expressing yourself in butterbrain makes you think about problems differently. For example, in butterbrain to dereference you use the operator '@', and because butterbrain's 'pointers' are just integers, dereferencing more than once causes you to jump around the memory tape. This is a very "useful" feature that I only noticed after completing the interpreter.
Concise code is great, but this is taking it a little far:
s3g1s5g2s7g4ig5s0g6s1g7s1[g3s3[g(@vpg3s-1]ng4 {g5ig6i}g4s!@v{g8s0g9s1[g9s@@8g10s@8s+1s%3 s@@vg11s@8s+2s%3s@@vg10s^@)1g9s-@10g12s@9s<1g13s@@8 s<@9s|@12g12s!@13{g15s1g5s@8g6s@9}g8 s+1g14s@8s<3]g15s!@v{g5s0g6s1[s@@5s!@v {g5s+1}g6]g6s1}}g6g@(1s-@6g7s@0s+@1s+@2]g4s!@vp
The above is "obviously" the code for a nim game with an optimal AI opponent